Our story begins in 1944, when my grandmother, Doris Hickman, the mother of two young daughters, opened her home to the neighborhood children, inviting them over to sing songs and learn about different instruments. An accomplished musician, with perfect pitch and a love for music and children, this seemed like a natural fit. Pretty soon those neighbors told their friends and so on, to where my grandmother had outgrown her home and moved into a local church. After graduating college, her daughters joined her at what was now well known to many as Miss Hickman's Music School. In 1965, at the age of two, I joined in and became the third generation to be a part of the school. In 1975, my mom, affectionately known as Miss Kay, opened a school in Norman as well. For many years we commuted back and forth. After graduating from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in education, in 1984, I decided to gain experience, outside of the family business and taught third grade in Noble Oklahoma, After my grandmother's passing, in 1986, I decided to rejoin the family business. By this time, we were two days in Oklahoma City and three days in Norman. After Ms. Kay's passing in 2003, I decided to focus all of my efforts to grow our Norman school, operating five days a week. In 2009, we moved into our current space, and continue to educate generations of families. I am fortunate to have had two very talented role models in my grandmother and my mother and absolutely LOVE what I do.