Each school day begins with opening exercises, which include the Pledge of Allegiance, God Bless America, marching, and counting to ten in French, Spanish, and English. The next 45 minutes are dedicated to singing songs from our monthly song sheet, finger plays, elementary Spanish and French, along with some basic educational fundamentals that relate to the song sheet. Next, we move into our arts and crafts area to do an art project that relates to what we have been learning in class. During this time we also work with scissors, play dough, legos and hands-on manipulative activities. Outdoor play is also very important, so we always incorporate time outside each day, weather permitting. We spend our final 25 minutes playing rhythm band instruments, storytelling or doing hand/eye coordination activities. Everyday before we dismiss, we read a story and share our "Show and Tell."
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
When you wallk into our classroom you see a blended age classroom model. You will notice children of different ages working together and socializing happily. We find this to be a wonderful opportunity for older children to mentor younger students, gaining confidence and self-esteem, while the younger students benefit from wanting to be like the big kids and following their example.
For those wanting to introduce their little one to music and a school setting without the commitment to the performance than this option is perfect for you. Children enrolled only on Fridays cannot participate in the show but will get to experience learning some fun songs, playing rhythm band instruments and playing many games.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
We offer an extention of the music school day for children in the music classes. Students enrolled in this option may bring their own lunch or may bring $5 for our lunch. We provide cheese pizza on Monday, Chick-fil-a on Wednesday and McDonalds on Friday. Juice boxes are included with each lunch.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
Children must be at least 3 years old and enrolled in the music class to participate on Monday and Wednesday. This class will follow the curriculum of the full day pre-k class and will reinforce skills being worked on. Children will benefit from working within a small group, make fun crafts and work on hand/eye coordination. On Fridays only, we offer the full day for children ages 2 and up. Instead of a pre-k curriculum, the students will enjoy the afternoon with our bounce house, painting and much more. Children enrolling for the Afternoon Fun Friday Class must also enroll in the Friday music and extended day class.